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 | Broseley Hereford 5 SE Widescreen MultiFuel Stove Broseley Fires Hereford 5 SE Widescreen MultiFuel Stove is a Defra Approved Traditional free standing stove designed for homes with a Class 1 Chimney, 5kW heat output, suitable for burning Coal & Wood, DEFRA Approved | | usual price £1,349.00 Special Offer £975.00 | more info > |
 | Broseley Hereford 7 Cast Iron Gas Stove Broseley Fires Hereford 7 Cast Iron Gas Stove is an efficient, effective, medium output stove at an affordable price suitable for any modern or traditional home 4.7kW max heat output | | usual price £1,399.00 Special Offer £1,026.00 | more info > |
 | Broseley Serrano 3 Electric Stove Broseley Fires Serrano 3 Electric Stove is a traditional style free standing electric medium sized stove, cast iron construction, remote control with thermostatic heater, 2kW maximum heat output and realistic coal fuel effect | | usual price £949.00 Special Offer £729.00 | more info > |
 | Broseley York Electric Stove Broseley Fires York is a traditional style free standing electric medium sized stove, cast iron construction, remote control as standard, thermostatic heater, 2Kw heat output with coal fuel effect | | usual price £949.00 Special Offer £709.00 | more info > |
 | Carron 5kW ECO Wood Burning Stove Carron 5kW ECO Wood Burning Stove, modern design stove, maximum heat output of 5kW, efficiency of 78.6%, Black finish, Top Venting only, 5" flue, large viewing window, Defra approved | | usual price £999.00 Special Offer £679.00 | more info > |
 | Celsi Electriflame XD Prestige Brown Electric Fire Celsi Electriflame Prestige Brown Electric Fire, maximum heat output of 1.5Kw, hang on the wall electric fire in natural marble fascia, remote control, unique extra deep 3D LED flame picture with relaxing smoky effect | | usual price £999.00 Special Offer £859.00 | more info > |
 | Celsi Electriflame XD Royal Botticino Electric Fire Celsi Electriflame Royal Botticino Electric Fire, maximum heat output of 1.5Kw, hang on the wall electric fire with natural marble fascia, remote control, unique extra deep 3D LED flame picture with relaxing smoky effect | | usual price £1,099.00 Special Offer £848.00 | more info > |
 | Celsi Electristove XD Glass 1 Stove Celsi Electristove XD Glass 1 is a Steel Body Contemporary Electric Stove, glass door & top, maximum heat output of 2kW, freestanding electric stove, remote control, extra deep 3D LED flame effect with relaxing smoky effect | | usual price £599.00 Special Offer £298.00 | more info > |
 | Celsi Electristove XD Glass 2 Stove Celsi Electristove XD Glass 2 Freestanding Steel Contemporary Electric Stove, heat output of 1-2kW, remote control with manual override feature, extra deep 3D flame effect, glass door & top with relaxing smoky effect and low cost LED lighting | | usual price £699.00 Special Offer £348.00 | more info > |
 | Celsi Electristove XD Metal 1 Stove Celsi Electristove XD Metal 1 Steel Body Electric Stove, maximum heat output of 2kW, freestanding electric stove, remote control, extra deep 3D LED flame effect with relaxing smoky effect | | usual price £599.00 Special Offer £298.00 | more info > |
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