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 | Gallery Landsdowne Cast Iron Arch Gallery Landsowne Cast Iron Arch insert, 37.8 inch only, black or highlighted polished finish available, choice of hearth, optional gas fire | | usual price £699.00 Special Offer £589.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Landsdowne Cast Iron Arch Gas Package Gallery Landsdowne Cast Iron Arch gas insert package, highlight polished finish cast, clarendon 56" Agean limestone surround, granite hearth and gas fire to suit | | usual price £1,599.00 Special Offer £1,579.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Landsdowne Cast Iron Arch Solid Fuel Package Gallery Landsdowne Cast Iron Arch solid fuel insert package, highlight polished finish cast, clarendon 56" Agean limestone surround, slabbed granite hearth and solid fuel kit to suit | | usual price £1,699.00 Special Offer £1,499.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Lincoln Wood Surround Gallery Lincoln Wood Surround available in solid pine and two width sizes namely 48" and 54". | | usual price £449.00 Special Offer £399.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Luca Limestone Surround Gallery Luca Fireplace Surround in Agean Limestone. 54" Wide, Solid Natural Limestone., for use with most gas & electric inset fires with a 75mm rebate | | usual price £999.00 Special Offer £799.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Lytton Cast Iron Arch Gallery Lytton Cast Iron Arch is a cast Iron fireplace either in black or highlighted polished finish, Gas or Solid Fuel fires avaiable to choose from to fit Lytton cast iron arch | | usual price £599.00 Special Offer £489.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Lytton Cast Iron Arch Gas Package Gallery Lytton Cast Iron Arch gas insert package, highlighted polished finish cast, Bedford 54" solid pine surround, granite hearth and gas fire to suit | | usual price £1,299.00 Special Offer £1,179.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Lytton Cast Iron Arch Solid Fuel Package Gallery Lytton Cast Iron Arch solid fuel insert package, highlighted polished finish cast, Bedford 54" solid pine surround, slabbed granite hearth and solid fuel kit to suit | | usual price £1,299.00 Special Offer £1,099.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Matrix Gas Basket Fire Gallery Matrix Gas Basket Fire suitable for a class 1 chimney or flue, choice of fuel effects, manual control, black or polished finish, available in natural or propane gas | | usual price £799.00 Special Offer £639.00 | more info > |
 | Gallery Matrix Solid Fuel Basket Gallery Matrix Solid Fuel Basket with a contemporary design for homes with a class 1 chimney or flue, choice of either black or full polished finish, with solid fuel kit and of depth of 300mm | | usual price £549.00 Special Offer £479.00 | more info > |
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